DarkStorm652 / DarkBot

Minecraft thin client and automation framework
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
124 stars 53 forks source link

Protocol support #42

Closed SocketByte closed 9 years ago

SocketByte commented 9 years ago

Protocols does not work for me.

"No protocol support for v4/5/etc. found"

What should I do?

Unihedro commented 9 years ago

More details, please. Environment information and the version of the build you use. As of state, this ticket is no more than "it no works", it's pretty hard to help you or fix what's wrong.

SocketByte commented 9 years ago

I have newest version of DarkBot, Windows 7, Wi-Fi connection (very speed), IPv4, and IPv6.

I compiled DarkBot with Apache ant v1.9.4 and i have protocols (4 - 78). My run code is: java -jar DarkBot.jar -t spambot -o MyNickname -s ServerIPandPort -O -b 350 -d 2500 --protocol 4 --http-proxy-list proxy.txt

Proxy file: http://pastebin.com/YKwNuLG8 Anything else? Because I do not really know what else might be affected.

PS: Sorry for my english, bro :c

GlitchHead commented 9 years ago

you dont need --http-proxy-list if the server is in Offline -O

SocketByte commented 9 years ago

Okey, but i have still error with protocol :/

SocketByte commented 9 years ago

Okey, i have not compiled protocols xD Thanks anyway

InternetPerson commented 9 years ago

welp, darkstorm abandoned this again...

Unihedro commented 9 years ago

But honestly, in the current state of the code and how much clean up has to go through for any sane implementation to carry on, I kind of understand why he's not motivated to continue. It's not like the bot has continuation value anymore now that fewer people are playing Minecraft after recent events.

cc @InternetPerson @TheBiblMan