DarkStorm652 / DarkBot

Minecraft thin client and automation framework
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
124 stars 53 forks source link

What is the problem? #43

Closed ElPresidentePro closed 9 years ago

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

Hello !!, sorr for my bad english ;) I have error when connect the server the server is v 1.7.2 ERRORS: [BOT] Connecting... [BOT] Error: Unable to connect (java.lang.NullPointerException) This is of DarkBotMC Launcher and when use in cmd my console have millions errors Pls i need help ;(

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

http://gyazo.com/ee04c33054ca868d660eb3effeabd4d1 The console screenshot java error pls help!!!!

GlitchHead commented 9 years ago

try compiling darkbot again. what are you using for compiling?

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

@GlitchHead Yes i try compiling but remains the same :(

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

what java use? i compile whit power sell and ANT

Unihedro commented 9 years ago

when use in cmd my console have millions errors

Please specify your environment and build specifications clearly. For instance, you're obviously using Windows. We can't fix anything by doing guesswork.

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

ok sorry, what needs to teach?

Unihedro commented 9 years ago

I just said what you needed to tell us, no more, no less.

DarkStorm652 commented 9 years ago

Don't use deprecated components. The GUI will be removed in a future update.