DarkStorm652 / DarkBot

Minecraft thin client and automation framework
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Mac: Bot disconnects on every server I join. #44

Open aesthetic opened 9 years ago

aesthetic commented 9 years ago

Whenever I attempt to join a server, I receive the following error:

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744) [UnemployedWalrus] Disconnected: Read error: java.io.IOException: End of stream

When I connect with my normal account, I receive no error.

Extra information:

Any help is appreciated, and I would be happy to supply more information if necessary.

Thank you, Will Minnis

Unihedro commented 9 years ago

Dark doesn't appear to be watching anymore cough cough poke @DarkStorm652, I'll see if I can figure out what's wrong when I'm home.

Unihedro commented 9 years ago

The DarkBot branch in Eclipse has caution triangles on /src/main/java and > src.

Can you navigate into the "Problems" pane (You may need to bring it up under Views) and list some of them?

aesthetic commented 9 years ago

Description Resource Path Location Type DefaultListModel is a raw type. References to generic type DefaultListModel should be parameterized RegularBotOptionsUI.java /DarkBot/src/main/java/org/darkstorm/darkbot/mcwrapper/gui/regular line 128 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type DefaultComboBoxModel is a raw type. References to generic type DefaultComboBoxModel should be parameterized NewBotDialog.java /DarkBot/src/main/java/org/darkstorm/darkbot/mcwrapper/gui line 26 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type JList is a raw type. References to generic type JList should be parameterized RegularBotOptionsUI.java /DarkBot/src/main/java/org/darkstorm/darkbot/mcwrapper/gui/regular line 30 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type Type safety: The constructor DefaultComboBoxModel(Object[]) belongs to the raw type DefaultComboBoxModel. References to generic type DefaultComboBoxModel should be parameterized NewBotDialog.java /DarkBot/src/main/java/org/darkstorm/darkbot/mcwrapper/gui line 109 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type Type safety: The method addElement(Object) belongs to the raw type DefaultListModel. References to generic type DefaultListModel should be parameterized RegularBotOptionsUI.java /DarkBot/src/main/java/org/darkstorm/darkbot/mcwrapper/gui/regular line 65 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type Type safety: The method setModel(ListModel) belongs to the raw type JList. References to generic type JList should be parameterized SpamBotOptionsUI.java /DarkBot/src/main/java/org/darkstorm/darkbot/mcwrapper/gui/spam line 73 Java Problem

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

ok it'll explain when I run the launcher has Darkbot and choose the server, put the name and start regularbot and gives me an error of windows 8 CONNECTION I have also java java 7 and 8 will compile with power windows sell

aesthetic commented 9 years ago


DarkStorm652 commented 9 years ago

Have you specified the protocol version? I'll look into figuring out why you don't get a kick message for wrong protocol. The warnings are no big deal.

@ElPresidentePro the GUI does. not. work. You will not receive help for using deprecated components.

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

Mi coomand is: http://gyazo.com/43157b712ea36d7b3ee3e6cf7dc0b5a6 MY ERROR IS when I give login gives me this error [Bot{33 or 40 or tc....} ] Error connecting: org.darkstorm.darkbot.minecraftbot.protocol.UnsupportedProtocolException: No protocol support for v5 found

Compiled with windows power sell but for what i dont use eclipse, i alone visual studio and netbeans Running Windows: ok! i tester whit command console and this is error is equal.

i download the eclipso for test ;(

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

Eclipse test compiling fail equal error: [Bot{33 or 40 or tc....} ] Error connecting: org.darkstorm.darkbot.minecraftbot.protocol.UnsupportedProtocolException: No protocol support for v5 found

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

Ok i bump, i dont use protocols directory in my darkbot XD sorry but equals dont connect bot to server 1.7.2

ElPresidentePro commented 9 years ago

@DarkStorm652 Ok i correct my errors, one awnser, how to make build a schematic? i used !build schematic 123. i have schematic file in the directory bot jar.

aesthetic commented 9 years ago

@DarkStorm652 Sorry for not replying, I am on vacation. I don't know how to check my protocol. the /protocols says v5x so I am assuming that is it. Thanks!