DarkSynopsis / LumaLocaleRegionAutoSetter

3DS Homebrew to create locale files to run out of region DLC with less hassle.
32 stars 3 forks source link

Install Explanation #3

Closed JoatMasterofNun closed 3 years ago

JoatMasterofNun commented 5 years ago

The readme is unclear. Homebrew will run that .c file?

JoatMasterofNun commented 5 years ago

As in, I maybe mildly retarded. After reading through your code, appears most of the files are all needed for the build. I'm just not figuring out how to execute the "run the homebrew" portion of it.

DarkSynopsis commented 5 years ago

? Head to the releases tab and install the CIA or use the 3dsx via the Homebrew Launcher.

JoatMasterofNun commented 5 years ago

Oh dear god, I am retarded. It never occurred to me to click that. Honestly I don't think I've ever had to because a link was already pointed there or all the files were on the home(?) page (where you can clone or download git). Here I was thinking like, "how to run C program on homebrew".

Thank you.