DarkZeros / dbus-mppsolar

DBus VenusOS driver for Vevor inverter
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automatic switchover to PI30MAX fails #3

Closed w0vka closed 2 months ago

w0vka commented 2 months ago

The new automatic detection and switching to PI30MAX fails.

I think something is missing in the code. It is switching from PI30 to PI30MAX, but when querying the data (line 118), fixed protocols (PI30 and PI17) are used again.

Here is the log:

@4000000066238cb216ed8b84 *** starting dbus-mppsolar ***
@4000000066238cb42c88891c WARNING:root:Protocol PI30 is failing, switching to PI30MAX
@4000000066238cb42c952f64 ERROR:root:Detected inverter on ttyUSB1 (PI30MAX), protocol not supported, using PI30 as fallback
@4000000066238cb42c9dfd4c WARNING:root:Connected to inverter on ttyUSB1 (PI30), setting up dbus with /DeviceInstance = 0
@4000000066238cb42f7861c4 Traceback (most recent call last):
@4000000066238cb42f787d1c   File "/data/etc/dbus-mppsolar/dbus-mppsolar.py", line 620, in <module>
@4000000066238cb42f788cbc     main()
@4000000066238cb42f78948c   File "/data/etc/dbus-mppsolar/dbus-mppsolar.py", line 611, in main
@4000000066238cb42f78a42c     mppservice = DbusMppSolarService(tty=args.serial.strip("/dev/"), deviceinstance=0)
@4000000066238cb42f78b7b4   File "/data/etc/dbus-mppsolar/dbus-mppsolar.py", line 138, in __init__
@4000000066238cb42f78c754     self.setupDefaultPaths(self._dbusmulti, connection, deviceinstance, f"Inverter {productname}")
@4000000066238cb42f7a4a0c   File "/data/etc/dbus-mppsolar/dbus-mppsolar.py", line 251, in setupDefaultPaths
@4000000066238cb42f7a5d94     service.add_path('/ProductId', self._invData[0].get('serial_number', 0))
@4000000066238cb42f7a6d34 AttributeError: 'DbusMppSolarService' object has no attribute '_invData