Darkempire78 / OpenCalc

A simple and beautiful calculator for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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rounded square on long press action #235

Open itsmmt305 opened 1 year ago

itsmmt305 commented 1 year ago


in google calculator, the app which opencalc takes considerable inspiratiom from, the buttons turn smoothly into rounded squares from the regular ellipses upon pressing or holding them.

Screenshot_2023-03-16-21-03-02-869_com google android calculator

for the sake of consistency of design and idk sheer "fun" i thought it'd be nice to include that behaviour in opencalc too. again, it evidently adds nothing to the functionality and the app is totally fine without this feature but hey, it looks so nice that animation when tapping on the buttons, doesnt it??

alternatives? nahh the rounded squares are the only other shape in the material design catalogue so no. just the ellipses turning into rounded squares when holding the buttons

shoutout to darkempire78 for his inability to retain this small feature request and making me open an issue on the rep. see you next tuesday, 78!

Darkempire78 commented 1 year ago

In fact, it's a duplicate of #156, sorry about that

ghost commented 1 year ago

As a I see it this isn't a duplicate of https://github.com/Darkempire78/OpenCalc/issues/156. https://github.com/Darkempire78/OpenCalc/issues/156 talkes about what happens when you press the 'scientific mode' button. Specifically what happens when switching back to the normal view. There is no animation which turns the shrinked buttons into circles and vice versa. Screenshot_20230411-123350_VLC Therefore the circles are cut off for a short time. See this screenshot: Screenshot_20230411-121811_VLC

Issue https://github.com/Darkempire78/OpenCalc/issues/235 is explained well so I guess there's no need in describing it in my own words.

itsmmt305 commented 1 year ago

•-• •-• •-• huh, i read the 'well, so' as "so well" and blushed all day. thanks cntt <3 •-• •-• •-•

Darkempire78 commented 9 months ago

I don't really know how to add this functionality. Do you have any ideas for implementation?

itsmmt305 commented 9 months ago

not a developer myself so no. im sure ppl can help. its a basic design thingy. maybe its in the material design 3 catalogue or something? like a button behaviour... or something? idk. excuse my lack of information.