Darkempire78 / OpenCalc

A simple and beautiful calculator for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Better material you colors #244

Closed HotarunIchijou closed 1 month ago

HotarunIchijou commented 1 year ago

Background, symbols and number buttons doesn't match material you colors

Here's a comparison with gcalc



Also it seems like this symbol isn't at the center of the button

itsmmt305 commented 1 year ago

the yellow/brown one is worse

HotarunIchijou commented 1 year ago

the yellow/brown one is worse

I don't think so, and it's more like cold graphite with some kinds of blue (black pearl). Also this background color, like the other elements colors, based on main colors of picked wallpaper, and nothing preverts it from being a different color

inson1 commented 5 months ago

@Darkempire78 What do you plan to do with this issue?