Darkempire78 / OpenCalc

A simple and beautiful calculator for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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fix: Comma seperator not working inside parenthesis #416

Closed muryno closed 1 month ago

muryno commented 3 months ago

Fixes #403

fix: In the original code, there were a few hiccups in handling number formatting, especially around the use of decimal and grouping separators. To address this, I revised the logic to accurately incorporate these separators into numbers. I also made sure that when numbers are being formatted and replaced back into the text, we only replace the first instance of each number to avoid duplicating changes. These tweaks ensure that numbers within any text are formatted correctly, maintaining the intended structure and readability.

muryno commented 2 months ago

Fixes: #403

Darkempire78 commented 2 months ago

I will check that as soon as possible

muryno commented 1 month ago

I will check that as soon as possible

@Darkempire78 are you able to review my MR 😊

Darkempire78 commented 1 month ago

Sorry @muryno for the wait... I was very busy Btw, there is a conflict, can you fix it please ?

Darkempire78 commented 1 month ago

In fact, it was already fixed thanks to https://github.com/Darkempire78/OpenCalc/pull/433