Darkempire78 / OpenCalc

A simple and beautiful calculator for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Better layout on small screen #418

Open baxyz opened 3 months ago

baxyz commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. In split screen, the layout (buttons position) is not usable and it missing the basic operations (add, times, ...)

Describe the solution you'd like A perfect solution would be to adapt the layout according the size of the app (responsive). Another alternative would be to hide advanced operators in small screens (root, modulo, ...)

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context I use a lot the split screen to show, at the same time, a logic game and this calculator.

baxyz commented 3 months ago

For instance:

inson1 commented 3 months ago

video about split screen in Android 13

proideo commented 1 month ago

In my device, the buttons are displayed fine (except the parentheses) but the operations and the results are cut off.

OpenCalc - Split