Darkhax-Minecraft / Enchantment-Descriptions

Displays descriptions about an enchantment on the tooltip.
92 stars 45 forks source link

Books with long descriptions off screen | 1.16.5 #195

Closed 0bsidianFox closed 1 year ago

0bsidianFox commented 1 year ago

Enchanted books that have a sizeable description don't start a new line to better fit the screen and the gui has to be changed to read them.

Respiration I: 2023-05-22_12 17 37

Fabric | 1.16.5 | Mod is not affected by other gui mods (REI) since the issue was present before REI was installed.

0bsidianFox commented 1 year ago

after further research I came upon another issue similar to mine suggesting to install tooltip fix, it worked.