Darkhax-Minecraft / Enchantment-Descriptions

Displays descriptions about an enchantment on the tooltip.
92 stars 45 forks source link

[Suggestion] Add armour tooltip on top of tooltip to indicate what tool it is supposed to go on! #219

Open Shadownite64 opened 6 months ago

Shadownite64 commented 6 months ago

One major problem I always have with modded enchantments is that I am never sure what is supposed to go on what, this feature would provide great value and help many figure out what enchantment is supposed to be for what tool! The example shown here is from a 1.12 mod, I think actually additions, but its a good example on how it should look!


Darkhax commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I've wanted to do this in a mod for a while now but I've seen so many other mods do this and I try to avoid stepping on their toes. For example the Quark mod adds a feature that looks very similar to the one in your screenshot. It hasn't been updated past 1.19.2 though. I might look into putting my own twist on this idea when I have time though. image

Shadownite64 commented 6 months ago

There is no current mod on fabric that implements this feature so it would be a great addition to see.

Darkhax commented 6 months ago

Oh, thanks for clarifying that it's not for Fabric. I'll definitely add this to my TODO list and see what I can do.