DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

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[ENHANCE] Energy system overhaul #468

Open AlienXtream opened 8 years ago

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

a new energy system that aims to increase the involvement and challenge of maintaining one's tardis WITHOUT the threat of total destruction.

New energy type, "rift" energy would fill the role of artron energy for flight. Rift energy reserves would NOT regenerate while in the time vortex and instead MUST be near a suitable rift (overworld near 0,0?) to refuel.

Artron energy would be used to "power" various things inside the TT capsule such as roundels. all roundel components would have a passive energy cost in addition to the existing cost from nanogens and the restoration field. artron energy would ONLY recharge while in the time vortex at a rate determined by the speed of the tardis (energy regen upgrade would improve this as well as the rate the tardis refuels). this would also give more reason to use artron batteries to power roundels nearby

the room counter could be replaced by an artron cost. the larger the room the more artron energy it would take and the more rooms you have the higher the cost modifier (1 room = x1 2 rooms = 1.1 for example?)the current max rooms upgrade could change to room cost, higher levels reduce room cost and multiplier

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

i swear there were atleast 2 comments here O.o?!

SomeBadGamer commented 8 years ago

Thare was i was one of them

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

Lol xD

SomeBadGamer commented 8 years ago

I like the idea

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

As do i but it is not down to us. Look at it this way, dark hasn't said no :p. And believe me, he WILL have seen the post by now

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yes and this is not resource reliant meaning it is possible to add.

FoxPotato commented 8 years ago

I mean the resource reliable option was also possible, it would just get OP :P

Webber88 commented 8 years ago

Well how about adding it as a placeable thing for people who are careless so they can go into creative and recharge it. And maybe reduce your proposed cost for rooms by .5 since your proposed cost just seems a little high. But other than that I like the idea. :)

DarkholmeTenk commented 8 years ago

88 similar to this?

It'll probably be a property of the world, not a specific block or anything and then the rendering only needs to be stuck on to the TTE renderer.

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

Ohoh, who's up for the canon Rift being a block? I'd love to see that! For those who don't know what I'm referring to, in Doctor Who, there's a Time Rift in Cardiff Bay, which is around a waterfall. I live not too far from that thing, so I'd love to see it in game, if we move to Rift energy!

FoxPotato commented 7 years ago

if rift energy would be implemented it wouldn't come in the form of the cardiff waterfall statue thing lol since it's a TARDIS mod and not a doctor who mod, and especially not a torchwood mod ;P it would most likely be an area, or perhaps something like aura nodes in thaumcraft. You could always build a structure around it ;p