DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

Contains the issues tracker for the private TardisMod
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[ENHANCE] Computercraft Support #487

Open rascal54321 opened 8 years ago

rascal54321 commented 8 years ago

The only mention I found of the WIP support for Computercraft was that you guys were uncertain of the direction to go. My 2 cents after giving it some thought - simply use the Rednet interface, and allow access to Tardis functions via that. This would allow you to connect other Computercraft systems easily as well. As far as functionality, I'd allow most things to be controlled or viewable - except for take off and landing. That's too iconic to allow remote access to! But stuff like the internal tank and RF storage levels, light control, current energy level or setting exact coordinates or flight mode would be nice.

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

unlikely setting coordinates or toggling lights will happen (UNLIKELY, keep that in mind) but getting info from the roundels could happen. the CC interface is currently on hold until dark can be bothered implementing it. he really should remove that thing till then :/

ask-compu commented 7 years ago

wouldnt it be better to implement it in a way similar to bigreactors computer ports? those work with almost any computer mod, computercraft, opencomputers, etc, i have opencomputers controlling a reactor, would love to be able to have a computer fly the tardis, would increase the amount of saves i could have by having a program that loads up with a list of locations and u press a key to choose one

AlienXtream commented 7 years ago

Considering you can basically do this via the tardis console itself i would see it as redundant in most cases.

ask-compu commented 7 years ago

it would be a way to automate things as well as not be limited to the number of save buttons on the console