DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

Contains the issues tracker for the private TardisMod
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[BUG] Nanogene heal cost #516

Closed darkdurza closed 8 years ago

darkdurza commented 8 years ago

The nanogenes do not seem to be using artron energy when healing players. I set the nanogene cost to 100 in both roundels.cfg and Components.cfg, and they still don't use any energy. Is there somewhere to actually enable/disable nanogene cost period, or is this not working?

darkdurza commented 8 years ago

The tool repair isn't using energy either

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

are you watching the waila tooltip? if so it may not be updating properly. rightclick the gauge. i can assure you the restoration field DOSE drain energy as i have had it drain my tardis dry. remember, the tardis regenerates artron energy too and the nanogene will not use any power if its not doing anything (same with the restoration field)

darkdurza commented 8 years ago

stood in fire and held right click on the gauge, the energy just went up from the regen, none used to heal me. I'm using the latest build, 1.7.10-0.994-344

darkdurza commented 8 years ago

Although the restoration field DOES use artron energy to repair tools and just doesn't update the waila interface

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

And you are sure its set to 100 in the configs? What us your energy regen level at? It is also possible dark just derped with the nanogenes. Everyone makes mistakes, its part of learning :)

darkdurza commented 8 years ago


My max energy is at 6000 and my regen is 5

AlienXtream commented 8 years ago

odd... i will look into this myself and tell dark if its an issue