DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

Contains the issues tracker for the private TardisMod
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[BUG] Landing pad crash with Buildcraft #520

Closed darkdurza closed 8 years ago

darkdurza commented 8 years ago

Using buildcraft pipes to pump into a landing pad that is not connected to a Tardis causes the game to crash.

DarkholmeTenk commented 8 years ago

Pastebin the crash report and post the link pls

darkdurza commented 8 years ago


FoxPotato commented 8 years ago

Well, the pipes connect to the landing pad and thus think there's a tank available. But there isn't so they try to fill something that isn't there. I guess just a simple check whether there's a tank or not and then maybe returning a dummy tank with like 0 capacity for the pipes to fill?