DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

Contains the issues tracker for the private TardisMod
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crash on server start with all new versions (dark 257 and tardis 357) (updated dark to 259 and it still crashes) #589

Closed Aaronstar-McClure closed 7 years ago

Aaronstar-McClure commented 7 years ago


Aaronstar-McClure commented 7 years ago

updated dark and it still crashes

DarkholmeTenk commented 7 years ago

Try going back 1 version of TM

Aaronstar-McClure commented 7 years ago

still crashes https://hastebin.com/fupolicabi.sql

FoxPotato commented 7 years ago

perhaps also go back 1 version of darkcore, iirc the latest versions don't actually play nice together

shadowbolt79 commented 7 years ago

I believe I've found the source of this particular crash.


AbstractBlockRenderer getRenderer()

is an @Override for:


which is protected by a @SideOnly(side.client).

When the TARDIS mod goes and looks for this other function to override, it finds none because it's not there. I BELIEVE (I have not tested this) You need to add @SideOnly to the new getRenderer()

shadowbolt79 commented 7 years ago

@Aaronstar-McClure Try going back to tardismod 355. That was before this change was made.