DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

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[Suggestion] Cammo, Tools, Sonic improvements and more. #590

Open Notawallplan opened 7 years ago

Notawallplan commented 7 years ago

I'll just put it out as a list that you can check off. Just ideas that popped upon my head when i played with this mod.

Soyaro666 commented 7 years ago

dalekanium tools & armor? and what about chronosteel? and in what way is this related to the tardis? we are talking about the taris mod, aren't we? How would a sonic hammer be related to the tardis or the tv show? More ccircuit settings are always welcome. weren't there a way to add custom ones? I'm not sure, I wasn't around for a while... I guess documentation will be updated as soon as possible. custom console rooms are possible for a while now, only documentation may still be a problem... and what kind of roundel upgrade is still missing? I have no ide, some exaples would be nice

btw, I'm not ignoring the other questions. I simply din't know what to say about it. Or, in case of creative book, don't see anything I haven't already said

Notawallplan commented 7 years ago

The sonic "hammer" thing is shown in the episode "The Empty Child" if i recall correctly.

Dalekanium seems a better candidate for tools and armor, since it was used as the armor of the Daleks, and i reasoned that Chronosteel is not really strong, same as iron.

I'd actually like to see the CC upgrade finished, and i also want to see Shaft Power bus-like functionality for Rotarycraft in the Tardis. And possibly T2 versions of non-mod-interactionary upgrades with steeper costs and so on. You can also come up with your own ideas.

Custom rooms (console room or otherwise) really needs to be more documented in a creative manual or something, and the console room needs to be more lenient on size.

FoxPotato commented 7 years ago

Most of these suggestions are ones that have been suggested/talked about before. Like more chameleon circuit stuff and updating the manual. I don't know if dalekanium/chronosteel armour and tools are really relevant. And iirc we don't actually have support for tinkers' blocks (or whatever the mod's called) already implemented so just adding that for 1 tool seems a bit of a hassle. And we're trying not to add too many mod support things.

LatentDesire commented 7 years ago

This actually made me think of something. And it's a weird idea. But mostly because I think Artron is an interesting power source that deserves more uses.

The first idea is something that "collects the floatsam and jetsam of the space-time vortex." Basically it's something like the void miners found in various other mods, but running off artron energy. Over time it will collect things and drop it into the inventory underneath. The type of drops can be set based on what sort of state the artron battery is set to.

I also think that one of the random items it can collect , as a joke item, should be called "left sock." Lol.

Another item using Artron as an energy source could be something that turns ingots/whatever back into their previous interaction. (Ex. Iron ingot to iron ore.) or forward in time. (Ex. Cobble to sand. Saplings into logs. Etc.) The setting dependent of the setting of the battery.

(If no battery, chooses at random.)

Also still wondering if/when the Eye of Harmony will make an appearance. (And have a purpose.)

Notawallplan commented 7 years ago

@FoxPotato I meant a sonic device that can mine a 3x3 area.

Notawallplan commented 7 years ago

@LatentDesire Void miner time machine sounds cool. And the Eye of Harmony would be a giant Artron battery with neat effects to nearby machinery, like increased capacity or speed or even something crazy as infinite RF or (when ported to 1.10/1.11) Tesla. Would also be the place to upgrade and change other aspects of the TARDIS like massive energy storage boosts and so on. Should cost 20 points to go that route.

AlienXtream commented 7 years ago

unless dark changes his mind about 1.10 and beyond i doubt we will see an update to that version

DarkholmeTenk commented 7 years ago

Unless 1.10 and beyond fix the memory problem, I doubt I'll be changing my mind any time soon

Notawallplan commented 7 years ago

Foamfix is a thing that exists to help the memory problem that 1.10 has. And there are Java commands that everyone really should be using, like -XX:+G1GC

Soyaro666 commented 7 years ago

The sonic device he's requesting refers to the sonic blaster shown in episode "empty child". It's used by Cpt. Jack Harkness on his first appearence. In that episode two features are shown. It was able to disintegrate square shaped areas of different sizes and, after doing so, was able to restore the last disintegrated areal. During the episode it ran out of energy after restoring 2 or 3 disintegrated areals and didn't appear again. It would make sense to implement it as a mining tool that mines an areal of 2x2 or 3x3 blocks (in named episode most holes created by it where big enough to walk through) but it should send the mined blocks into void. The restore-feature could be implemented too (sneak-rightclick while staying close to the last mined blocks position?). The limited energy part could be implemented but would be annoying I guess.

It's an interesting idea but i doubt it'll be implemented into this mod.

Notawallplan commented 7 years ago

The limited energy thing could be implemented via standard RF support.