DarkholmeTenk / TardisModIssues

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Tardis dimension storage in save file #599

Open comus777 opened 7 years ago

comus777 commented 7 years ago

I want to import all of the stuff in my Tardis in one save file to another new save file due to new terrain generation from new mods. Is that possible or no?

shadowbolt79 commented 7 years ago

In the save folder, there's a folder called tardis. I have not tried this, but I believe if you move it over to your new world, everything should transfer. You should just need a key.

comus777 commented 7 years ago

Doesn't seem to transfer... everything seems to be stored in the level.dat.

Oh wel, sucks, but there's not much you can do about it.

FoxPotato commented 7 years ago

If you copy over the tardis dimension folders are you able to teleport to said dimensions or do they not exist at all? Because you could use the /trepair or whatever the command is to reassign the dimension to your player... I think...

comus777 commented 7 years ago

I'm able to go to the TARDIS dimension, it's just a default TARDIS with none of my progress or modifications.

shadowbolt79 commented 7 years ago

The tardis creates unique dimensions for every player. There's likely some kind of player data file that assigns it to you. The /trep command can assign a tardis dimension to you, if you know the dimension number, which can be found in the tardis folder.

comus777 commented 7 years ago

Tried it, doesn't seem to work unfortunately.

DarkholmeTenk commented 7 years ago

There is also some stuff in some files in the data folder.

SADXfan01 commented 6 years ago

TDimReg.dat and TModPReg.dat in world/data are files to look at, they can be edited with NBTExplorer. TDimReg.dat contains an integer for the number of TARDISes that exist in the world, TModPReg.dat contains information on who has ownership of what dimension, so copying those two files into the new world's data folder, along with the DIM folders mentioned by others, should work.

PS~ srry if necro, there are many who look through these issues looking for solutions, I just want to help.