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[Suggestions] Advanced TARDIS decorator & other things #607

Open C7007 opened 7 years ago

C7007 commented 7 years ago

I have an idea for a new item : The Advanced TARDIS decorator (or some new functions to add to the actual Decorator). Here's a list of sympathic and not-so-useful features : -Possibility to use Vanilla blocks to decorate the TARDIS with this item -New decorations modes : Row, Column, Circle -Possibility to change the color/style of Console/Time Rotor -A "Reset" mode, which reset the console room blocks and the painted blocks.

Other ideas : -New screwdrivers models : Twelth Doctor's second, Second Doctor, Laser Screwdriver -New TARDIS exteriors for the chameleon circuit : Elevator cabin , Camping tent. -New screwdriver modes : Redstone mode : Dark red tip color, activate redstones devices like a portable lever (Not sure if it's possible) Flashlight mode : White tip, emits light like a Dynamic Lights torch Scan function : Teal tip, allow to scan a mob and send a message with the max health of the entity, the current health and the amount of damages it makes. TARDIS internal storage : When you right-click on a roundel without the screwdriver, you open the TARDIS storage : 3 pages sized like a double chest, plus a liquid tank page. -Console functions/Engine functions : Disabling the roundel's light Resetting roundels Resetting TARDIS -TARDIS upgrades : Defense system : Attack the hostile mobs in your TARDIS Biometrical control : Prevent other players to use your TARDIS. With this upgrade, you need to put your assigned sonic screwdriver in the hole of the front panel of the console.

AlienXtream commented 7 years ago

a fair few of these have been suggested before. some cant happen, some wont. you have alot of really good suggestions here however and i shall attempt to explain in more detail why some things on your list arnt happening;

column/row mode- how would you change modes? also, technically it is in circle mode already cos the decorator covers a radius from the block you click :P

Redstone/Torch/scan mode- while torch mode is something ive not seen before the reasons are the same, TM isnt a general Dr.Who mod but specifically a Tardis mod. the sonic is not a multi tool in this mod but rather your wrench for working with the tardis itself. thats not to say its a bad idea, its just not what this mod is focused on.

Roundel lights- performance issues mainly, think about it. in a smaller tardis without many rooms it wouldnt be too big of an issue but in a tardis with HUNDREDS of rooms and probably thousands of lights the lag would be i serious issue. not so much FPS but TPS would suffer a lot due to having to swap out ALL the roundels (both open AND closed) with separate block versions that dont emit light, not to mention having to copy over the nbt data of the open roundels so you dont lose your installed components. on a small scale all this is fine but you have to consider other scenarios and such a feature would put far too much strain on a server with large tardis'

Bio-metric control is actually a thing already, under the part of the engine where you change the console layout is where you can set this up

Internal storage- Dark has a strict no GUI policy with this mod, hence why you cant just input coords with a text feild, plus the tardis inventory is only meant for transport and such only holds at most on stack of a specific item regardless of space available. (e.g you can have 1 stack of cobble and one stack of wood in the inventory but you cant have 2 stacks of cobble). its more of a buffer than a full on storage

again, these are good ideas, most just likely wont happen.

thank you for your suggestions however :D i personally LOVE seeing the ideas others have for things like this, just dont go too crazy with ideas else we could be here till the end of time :P (assuming dark dosnt kill us off before then for being too annoying ;P)