Tweaked lighting a bit (map previously had only 1 sun, now has 3 of different brightness levels in different directions to add some depth to the map).
Removed ticket bleed from Axis.
Removed ticket capture bonus from taking the first objective to compensate for removal of ticket bleed.
Reduced tanker roles on both teams to match number of max tanks.
Added some additional statics around the map for more cover.
La Cambe:
Fixed floating statics near the final trenches.
Ten Aard:
Blocked ability to cross the far eastern rail bridge (also removed some sections of the static mesh to make it visually apparent that it can't be crossed).
Tractor Works:
Completely overhauled the map.
Reworked Axis spawn.
Added second street, detailed and expanded the courtyard/park and detailed the original street around the first objective.
Added new building Apartment 5031 which serves as a new initial objective, grouped with reworked building Logistics Bureau.
Added new buildings across the map, replacing many old static models with new ones.
Significantly improved terrain detail with new textures and decolayers.
Reworked South and West Commons locations with new trenchworks and dugouts.
Reworked Administration Building and added new rooms and details.
General detail pass across the map to increase visual fidelity and improve gameplay.
Reworked objective layout and added 3 new objectives.
Fixed a large number of bugs.
Added ZFG42 to various maps:
Added to FJ Sniper role on Les Champs de Losque, Stoumont, Dead Man's Corner and Carentan Causeway.
La Cambe:
Ten Aard:
Tractor Works:
Added ZFG42 to various maps: