DarklightGames / io_scene_psk_psa

A Blender extension for importing and exporting Unreal PSK and PSA files
GNU General Public License v3.0
312 stars 20 forks source link

PSA Importing does not work #41

Closed AmanGaming closed 11 months ago

AmanGaming commented 11 months ago

As the title suggests, unless I am doing something wrong the ability to import PSA does not work, however I can export to PSA no issue I cannot import any PSA onto my selected armature. as the option in the menus does not exist. Looking to hopefully hear back on this soon.

cmbasnett commented 11 months ago

You seem to have downloaded the previous version where the PSA import panel is located elsewhere. The latest version (https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/tag/5.0.0) has it in the place you are expecting it. I recommend installing the new version.