DarklightGames / io_scene_psk_psa

A Blender extension for importing and exporting Unreal PSK and PSA files
GNU General Public License v3.0
310 stars 20 forks source link

Model imports at 100x the scale. #51

Closed ettiSurreal closed 9 months ago

ettiSurreal commented 9 months ago

Unreal's units are centimeters (cm), while Blender's are meters (m) by default. The addon currently doesn't convert from cm to m making the models import at a much higher (exactly 100x) scale.

cmbasnett commented 9 months ago

Unreal units are not universally centimetres. For example, Red Orchestra has an unreal unit being 1/60th of a meter. What I suggest to do is to set the screen's unit scale in Blender (https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/scene_layout/scene/properties.html#units) This addon makes a deliberate choice to import the model data as-is, and let the user handle scaling, as there is no one size fits all solution.