Darkseal / DownPicker

A lightweight DropDownList / ComboBox for iOS, written in Objective-C
MIT License
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Fix problem after fixing issue #11 #13

Closed WedgeSparda closed 8 years ago

WedgeSparda commented 8 years ago

After fixing #11 I found out that, if the UITextField has text before showing the picker, if you choose the default (first) option, it didn't show up. Hope this fix it all.

Darkseal commented 8 years ago

Yeah, it makes sense.

I was thinking about replacing this:

if ([self->dataArray indexOfObject:self->textField.text] != NSNotFound)

with this:

if ([self->dataArray containsObject:self->textField.text])

For better readability: what do you think about that? Since we're using the check two times already (#11 and #12)...

WedgeSparda commented 8 years ago

I think is great. Code will be more readable.

Darkseal commented 8 years ago
