Darkseal / DownPicker

A lightweight DropDownList / ComboBox for iOS, written in Objective-C
MIT License
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Multiple DownPickers on same view #35

Open murilonkz opened 8 years ago

murilonkz commented 8 years ago

If I add multiple downpickers in the same view, when I select a option in the first, all others pickers select the first option automatically...

Phmichau commented 8 years ago

Same problem for me

jcamachov commented 7 years ago

The problem in my case was IQKeyboardManager library. I removed this folder from my project and DownPicker works fine.

johnrajahkkd commented 5 years ago

I solved it like below.

in .h file @Property (nonatomic) DownPicker picker1; @Property (nonatomic) DownPicker picker2;

in .m file NSArray *array1 = @[@"data 1", @"data 2", @"data 3"]; self.picker1 = [[DownPicker alloc] initWithTextField:self.priceTierTF withData:array1];

NSArray *array2 = @[@"data 1", @"data 2", @"data 3"]; self.picker2 = [[DownPicker alloc] initWithTextField:self.priceTierTF withData:array2];