As a User, I can use a search bar to narrow down search results so that I can quickly find products/programs tailored to me
Acceptance Criteria:
The search bar is displayed at the top of product/program pages
2 .When I enter a keyword or phrase into the search bar and press enter, relevant results are displayed.
The search results are sorted based on relevance to my query.
I can refine my search using filters such as category, price or rating
[x] Implement search bar UI that remains consistant to theme
[x] Connect search bar to product/program views and implement query functionality
[x] Implement filters for search results based on rating, sale and price
[x] Store all query options within url so it can be saved in history
As a User, I can use a search bar to narrow down search results so that I can quickly find products/programs tailored to me
Acceptance Criteria: