DarrenBaldwin07 / clerk-rs

An unofficial Rust SDK for Clerk.dev
MIT License
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The clerk_authorize function always checks for an "Authorization" header. #15

Closed camilomcatasus closed 9 months ago

camilomcatasus commented 9 months ago

To my understanding, for same-origin requests, authorization headers do not need to be passed because all the information is located in the __session cookie. So clerk_authorize should probably check to see if you have a session cookie or maybe check based off of some sort of configuration.

My assumption is that this will be worked on at some point. Honestly this repo is a godsend, just wondering if I'm correct and that this will be changed or if I have to make own Middleware.

DarrenBaldwin07 commented 9 months ago

Hey @camilomcatasus, appreciate you opening an issue for this! Your assumption is correct for same-origin requests. The validator portion of this crate is based on the NodeJS SDK that is provided by the Clerk team and this library has logic that checks for the __session cookie first and than falls-back to the Authorization header. I have plans to implement this but Im totally open to PRs :)