DarrenBaldwin07 / clerk-rs

An unofficial Rust SDK for Clerk.dev
MIT License
58 stars 23 forks source link

Incorrect type/struct #19

Closed Jayko001 closed 7 months ago

Jayko001 commented 8 months ago

found a bug in the get_user function. Here is a snippet of the actual response from clerk:

"totp_enabled": false,
"backup_code_enabled": false,
"email_addresses": [
"id": "idn_xyz",
"object": "email_address",
"email_address": "test@test.io",
"reserved": false,
"verification": {
"status": "verified",
"strategy": "from_oauth_google",
"attempts": null,
"expire_at": null
"linked_to": []
"phone_numbers": [ ],

The value of email_addresses.verification.stratery is "from_oauth_google" however the only allowed value in clerk-rs is Admin - https://docs.rs/clerk-rs/0.1.8/clerk_rs/models/email_address_verification/enum.Strategy.html