What's Wrong?
Currently don't have a message forum for users to communicate to one another. This can be considered an essential part to keeping each other motivated throughout a season.
What do I Expect to Happen?
Ability to message one another and keep a history log of messages on the app.
Suggested Fix
Add a message board where people can see one another's messages. Could be private or public. Could have multiple users in one chat. Store message history on backend.
What's Wrong? Currently don't have a message forum for users to communicate to one another. This can be considered an essential part to keeping each other motivated throughout a season.
What do I Expect to Happen? Ability to message one another and keep a history log of messages on the app.
Suggested Fix Add a message board where people can see one another's messages. Could be private or public. Could have multiple users in one chat. Store message history on backend.
Supporting Information