Darsenia / untouched_nature

Untouched Nature is a complex mod that adds new worldgen features, biomes, trees and plants, new magical mechanics and stuff, plenty of decorations and advanced cooking.
MIT License
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Funky Ocean Chunks #4

Open Cynemund opened 1 year ago

Cynemund commented 1 year ago

I haven't touched the world generation. For some reason, ocean biome chunks generate with square islands and tall columns, and there are some patches where the biome is different. Other mods I have installed are Thaumcraft(+Periphery,Wands, and Wonders), Mystical World, Roots, Village Names, and Creeping Nether. I doubt these mods did much, but I guess I could be wrong.

I dont think this is intentional It does look interesting

Using F3, the patches with the grayer grass(which is most of them) is called ocean, the sand is called desert, the snowy parts are called extreme hills(no matter if they are big columns or short islands), and the greener parts are called plains.

Cynemund commented 1 year ago

I should mention that elsewhere oceans generate normally.

TheRealZonko commented 1 year ago

I 2nd this, I have the same issue lol

Darsenia commented 1 year ago

I see. Are Thaumcraft biomes generating well for you in this world? There are no other biome mods in you modpack, only UN and Thaumcraft? Are you using NatureCompass mod? I've already seen these chunky errors many times while exploring worlds using NatureCompass mod (with different mods like BOP, OTG presets, UN etc), it happens when the compass loads new regions faster, than the game could handle it (I guess so). If not, it is a serious world creation issue, a biome is messed up for some reason (missing biomes, that are mentioned in layers etc).There were no problems definitely while taking screenshots of all biomes and testing before the release.Are you using the very first (1.0.0) release of UN or the second one?

Cynemund commented 1 year ago

Thaumcraft's biome generates. I don't have NatureCompass installed, but I was flying around in creative mode. So perhaps your answer on regions loading faster than the game can handle still works. I made this world on your second release.

Darsenia commented 1 year ago

Ok,thank you.Flying in creative couldn't be the answer, so it's much more likely that I messed up something during the "code clean-up" before the second release. Sorry for all this stuff going too slow, life is super busy now=) I'll check biomes asap and release a patch if that issue is on my side.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I encountered a similar phenomenon. The mod Sakura and ChinjufuMod, which add Biome, produced similar unnatural chunks in the ocean biome. The problem occurred in both versions of Untouched Nature.

In my opinion, both Thaumcraft and the problem I encountered in my environment are experiencing the same problem described in the Compatibility (work in progress) in the Description on the mod page.

Use deepl translation

Justelovecraft commented 5 months ago

I also have this problem and I have thaumcraft mystical world and village name, but I also have vampirism and think it is more vampirism instead of anything else on my end as I've seen thaum biomes but not one vampire forest.

Edit: Did a bit more research and it looks like what everyone said is true, anything that messes with how fast chunks load like nature's compass breaks ocean biomes but I also have nothirium which works fine so idk

Justelovecraft commented 2 months ago

Update: after doing some digging using other generation mods with this mod I think the problem is untouched_nature:unicespikes biome. Its not in the disable config and I can't get biometweaker to get rid of it either, also biometweaker says it shouldn't spawn at all but it does anyways? The only reason I found it at all was after I disabled all the other biomes and it always appeared with the rest of the weird chunks every time i found them. Maybe some who knows code better than I do can tell me what's happening. image_2024-07-08_223624162