DarshanGowda0 / GeoFlutterFire

:fire:GeoFlutterFire:fire: is an open-source library that allows you to store and query firestore documents based on their geographic location.
MIT License
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Update the dependencies on this package #112

Closed snorreks closed 4 years ago

snorreks commented 4 years ago

cloud_firestore is now at version: ^0.14, but this package depends on cloud_firestore: ^0.13.0+1. This package also depends on rxdart: ^0.23.1 while the rxdart: ^0.24 is available.

Tedsterh commented 4 years ago

If anyone else needs to use the latest Cloud Firestore and rxdart packages I have made a fork and updated. Simply add this to your pubspec.yaml instead:

        git: git://github.com/Tedsterh/GeoFlutterFire.git

cloud_firestore: ^0.14.0

All the necessary migration changes have been made.

take-in commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue, Can't upgrade my cloud_firestore

webertim commented 4 years ago

From a security perspective, I would not use @Tedsterh's repo. Instead create your own fork and use it as a dependency.

DarshanGowda0 commented 4 years ago

111 is merged! 😄