The Flutter Pub Dev documentation re-direct to this package
But the "Pub get" geoflutterfire: ^3.0.1 get the code from DarshanGowda0 /GeoFlutterFire 3x_null_safety branch
This branch of DarshanGowda0 should be updated with :
cloud_firestore: ^3.1.6
Currently on 10/01/2022,
The Flutter Pub Dev documentation re-direct to this package But the "Pub get" geoflutterfire: ^3.0.1 get the code from DarshanGowda0 /GeoFlutterFire 3x_null_safety branch
This branch of DarshanGowda0 should be updated with :
cloud_firestore: ^3.1.6
and clearly pointed out buy Flutter Pub Dev