I am getting error on initializing GoogleMapController _mapController; there is Error: Field '_mapController' should be initialized because its type 'GoogleMapController' doesn't allow null
when i use late GoogleMapController _mapController; there is error LateInitializationError: Field '_mapController' has not been initialized.
When i use GoogleMapController? _mapController; there is Error: Method 'animateCamera' cannot be called on 'GoogleMapController?' because it is potentially null.
I am getting error on initializing GoogleMapController _mapController; there is Error: Field '_mapController' should be initialized because its type 'GoogleMapController' doesn't allow null
when i use late GoogleMapController _mapController; there is error LateInitializationError: Field '_mapController' has not been initialized.
When i use GoogleMapController? _mapController; there is Error: Method 'animateCamera' cannot be called on 'GoogleMapController?' because it is potentially null.
What is the correct way to initialise?