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Dart analysis server at 100% cpu indefinitely when opening the Dart SDK repo (or flutter engine, which includes a nested copy) #5101

Closed gaaclarke closed 2 weeks ago

gaaclarke commented 3 weeks ago


The dart analysis server just sits at 100% when editing the flutter engine repo.

To Reproduce

1) Check out the flutter engine repo 1) Open it in VSCode with the dart plugin installed 1) Notice that dart process that is running the analysis server sits at around 100% and never stops.

Expected behavior

I would expect the process to reach some stasis of VSCode is not being interacted with.


Maybe it's related that there is a huge number of issues that are reported that I never mind:

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 9 03 50 AM





(spawned from https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/issues/5084)

gaaclarke commented 3 weeks ago

This PR to the analysis options seems to resolve this issue: https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/52699

We were just overloading it and getting it into a bad state. It's probably still worth fixing, but it's not an issue for me anymore.

DanTup commented 2 weeks ago

@gaaclarke do you know if there are extra steps beyond cloning the repo required to trigger this? I wasn't able to reproduce (even with gclient sync). I wonder if there are other steps you may have performed during setting up your environment for the engine.

(eg., if you clone a new copy of the repo, can you trigger it on that?)

gaaclarke commented 2 weeks ago

No, it can't be a new clone, you have to checkout before: https://github.com/flutter/engine/commit/233a57b226b95b3a0808c9d347900be9ade4b2d7

here is my workspace, but i don't see anything that may be off. Maybe the fact that I'm using a workspace is enough to mess it up?

$ cat engine.code-workspace 
    "folders": [
            "path": "src/flutter"
            "path": "src/third_party/vulkan-deps/vulkan-headers"
            "path": "src/flutter/lib/ui"
    "settings": {
        "files.associations": {
            "optional": "cpp",
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            "__locale": "cpp",
            "__mutex_base": "cpp",
            "__node_handle": "cpp",
            "__nullptr": "cpp",
            "__split_buffer": "cpp",
            "__string": "cpp",
            "__threading_support": "cpp",
            "__tree": "cpp",
            "__tuple": "cpp",
            "any": "cpp",
            "array": "cpp",
            "atomic": "cpp",
            "bitset": "cpp",
            "cctype": "cpp",
            "chrono": "cpp",
            "cinttypes": "cpp",
            "clocale": "cpp",
            "cmath": "cpp",
            "codecvt": "cpp",
            "compare": "cpp",
            "complex": "cpp",
            "concepts": "cpp",
            "condition_variable": "cpp",
            "csignal": "cpp",
            "cstdarg": "cpp",
            "cstddef": "cpp",
            "cstdint": "cpp",
            "cstdio": "cpp",
            "cstdlib": "cpp",
            "cstring": "cpp",
            "ctime": "cpp",
            "cwchar": "cpp",
            "cwctype": "cpp",
            "deque": "cpp",
            "exception": "cpp",
            "forward_list": "cpp",
            "fstream": "cpp",
            "future": "cpp",
            "initializer_list": "cpp",
            "iomanip": "cpp",
            "ios": "cpp",
            "iosfwd": "cpp",
            "iostream": "cpp",
            "istream": "cpp",
            "limits": "cpp",
            "list": "cpp",
            "locale": "cpp",
            "map": "cpp",
            "memory": "cpp",
            "mutex": "cpp",
            "new": "cpp",
            "numeric": "cpp",
            "ostream": "cpp",
            "queue": "cpp",
            "random": "cpp",
            "ratio": "cpp",
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            "set": "cpp",
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            "sstream": "cpp",
            "stack": "cpp",
            "stdexcept": "cpp",
            "streambuf": "cpp",
            "string": "cpp",
            "string_view": "cpp",
            "strstream": "cpp",
            "system_error": "cpp",
            "tuple": "cpp",
            "type_traits": "cpp",
            "typeinfo": "cpp",
            "unordered_map": "cpp",
            "unordered_set": "cpp",
            "valarray": "cpp",
            "variant": "cpp",
            "vector": "cpp",
            "algorithm": "cpp",
            "filesystem": "cpp",
            "memory_resource": "cpp",
            "bit": "cpp",
            "charconv": "cpp",
            "format": "cpp",
            "functional": "cpp",
            "iterator": "cpp",
            "utility": "cpp",
            "__assert": "cpp",
            "*.inc": "cpp",
            "__verbose_abort": "cpp",
            "*.def": "cpp",
            "*.hpp11": "cpp",
            "__functional_base": "cpp",
            "shared_mutex": "cpp",
            "coroutine": "cpp",
            "hash_map": "cpp",
            "hash_set": "cpp",
            "thread": "cpp",
            "propagate_const": "cpp",
            "*.gen": "cpp",
            "simd": "cpp"
        "C_Cpp.default.includePath": [
        "dotnet.defaultSolution": "disable"
DanTup commented 2 weeks ago

I think I may have reproduced this using your workspace. It doesn't seem "stuck" because it's still sending analysis diagnostics (it's generating a lot of diagnostics because there is a copy of the SDK in there that doesn't seem to resolve any packages) but it's been going at least 10 minutes.

I wonder if it's because you have the same folders included multiple times:

    "path": "src/flutter"
    "path": "src/flutter/lib/ui" // this is included by the one above

I'll do some more digging, thanks!

DanTup commented 2 weeks ago

btw, in your workspace above you have:

"path": "src/third_party/vulkan-deps/vulkan-headers"

But I don't have a vulkan-deps at that location (even after gclient sync), it's only at src/flutter/third_party, so this folder shows as "missing". Did I set something up differently to you?

DanTup commented 2 weeks ago

Seems that this is caused by the Dart SDK in src/third_party/dart. If I open only that folder, I still see the same behaviour. And, if I just open a clone of the Dart SDK directly (not part of engine), I see the same too.

It is known that there are issues trying to analyze the whole SDK repo (it's full of test projects and things), but I'm surprised that it seems to be analyze forever (or at least, it's so slow it doesn't complete in any reasonable amount of time).

An extra weird thing - this repros on Windows (server is stuck forever analyzing), yet it uses almost no CPU to do so (I presume something else is a bottleneck, but nothing else like disk seem saturated oddly).

I'm gonna leave it running in the background and while I for lunch on the chance it does complete, but otherwise I'll do some more debugging to see what's going on.

DanTup commented 2 weeks ago

I tracked this down to an infinite loop in the linter when there are cycling redirecting constructors. The Dart SDK includes a test file that has that (but I guess never triggers the linter over it in tests).

I've opened https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/4970 with the details and will close this one. Thanks!

gaaclarke commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Danny! Yea we've recently moved the vulkan headers but I haven't had the need to update my workspace. I don't even know why I'd have "src/flutter" and "src/flutter/lib/ui" separately. Thanks for figuring it out.