DarthAffe / RGBSyncPlus

Tool to synchronize RGB devices
GNU General Public License v2.0
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There's an issue with my head.. it hurts.. #18

Open Malreckus opened 5 years ago

Malreckus commented 5 years ago


I see that there are several issues regarding "device" here and I think I have a possible solution to issues like these: We're noobs and we need help.

All kinds of people who want their RGB to be synced can find this project through google. That includes people like me who are spoiled and expects an executable file to work exactly how they imagine it will work.

I've been sitting here for over an hour trying to understand how I can get your program to find my devices. I've looked through your replies in the different issues, and I think the answer to my question is that I need to learn how to "build"..?

I wasn't able to find a compatibility list of supported devices. The RGB devices I have are:

This is what I have done - after learning from some mistakes:

  1. Downloaded latest release
  2. Unblocked .zip file and extracted
  3. Copied the ASUS, Logitech, Razer and Corsair .dll files from "DeviceProvider" and pasted in "x86"
    • I'm guessing that copy/pasting like this wasn't what you meant in other replies..

I first got access to my non-RGB GPU (RTX 2080). After copy/pasting dll files, I got access to the Corsair cooler and a list of five components called motherboard. I tried syncing the components with the cooler, but that crashed the program and I've not been able to find the motherboard devices again.

Now.. what do I do, hehe. I think it's such a cool thing you're doing and I'm not expecting you to guide me through every step. But could you give me (and others like me) some pointers? Maybe you can tell me what I have to learn in order to edit/adjust (or is this what you call "build"?) whatever's needed to fix my problems?

Or is it just I who have misunderstood everything?

I apologize for bothering you with this and I will await your reply patiently!

DarthAffe commented 5 years ago

Hey, first of all to clarify that point a bit: You don't need how to build, nor do you need to copy anything. This would only be needed if you want to change something on your own. The release-zip has this already done.

The main problem right now regarding the things you described is the fact, that for me (and quite some other people too) it just works. I double click the exe and everything is fine. But I'm well aware of the fact, that that's (sadly) not for everyone the case. Especially the aura-SDK has some nasty quirks/bugs which can cause various problems depending on the available devices, the actions taken and so on.

The general steps (that should work) are:

  1. Download the zip from releases
  2. (On Win8 and newer:) Right click, go to properties, unblock the zip
  3. Extract the zip
  4. Run the .exe (you might need to run it as administrator on Win8 and newer)

After that you should at least have it running in the tray. Now for device detection:

Well I'm afraid that's all I can do (even if it's a lot of text without a real solution). If you have any specific problems/questions with some devices it might also be worth to join us at the RGB.NET discord channel, maybe someone already solved that problem.