DarthVan / StarCraft2-Bank-Restorer

Demo version of simple StarCraft 2 custom maps bank editor
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Zombie World Liverty [New save elements[ #10

Open krouvel opened 5 days ago

krouvel commented 5 days ago


New versions exist some elements below:

  1. Challenges:
    • Champion I
    • Runaway
    • Blackout
  2. Ascendancy
    • Most heroes with Prestige 20 can use ascendancy for spells.

Is it possible to update Generator to update those elements? Or is possible to fix only required elements in file, so if you already got some Challenges or Ascendancy, so in generating file, these fields will not be lost?

Thank you in advance.

DarthVan commented 5 days ago

Ty, will try to update the map soon

krouvel commented 5 days ago

Also, need to add more Unique jewels in list. image At least I know, that Medic have own jewel. image

DarthVan commented 4 days ago

Ok, i updated the map, but will deploy it later. Need to test and fix one bug and update Exodus 3 map too.


  1. Added ascendancy, but i dont unerstand how it works in game 😄 People say, after "-asc" command some heroes can get a special ability and hero will be reset, like after +1 prestige.. Then ascension saves in the bank file as

    <Key name="H4A">
    <Value string="99999999"/>

    And this code can be changed in the Editor. Need to test it

  2. All challenges can be passed by clicking checkbox Challenges. For now there are 3 challenges only. If the dev add a new one, it will work same. Up to 30 challenges. 1 You can type in the game "-challenges", to see their passed status.

  3. Added all new jewels (5 old + 6 new)

  4. Removed limit from Prestige input for all heroes, so you can set even 99, but it can be bugged in the game, so try to use correct max values.

  5. Added and unlocked High Templar, but it seems, it can't be picked in game right now.

krouvel commented 3 days ago
  1. By pressing CTRL + J in game, with any hero you will see the list with spells that you can ascend. Only heroes with PRESTIGE 20, can do Ascension, not all hero have those. Some of hero have multiple spells that they can ascent, so, they need to level till MAX several time, because you can select only one spell per time.

So, request for that is PRESTIGE 20 and LEVEL 20, after that you will find new button near "Prestige" on right corner as "Ascend" (or something like that), that allows you to select what ability you want to upgrade, after that you start leveling from zero, from PRESTIGE 0 and LEVEL 0.

  1. Perfect, at least it should not delete now, when you press download after uploading your file :)

  2. OK

  3. Probably you can set to 20, but yes, need to check in the game correct values, before doing that.

  4. As far as I understand, some people are already playing with this, but I could be wrong here.

How you looking on custom GAME's code? Is somewhere any guide/info for that?

DarthVan commented 2 days ago

So for ascension I guess a legit code in the bank could be something like <Value string="10100000"/> or <Value string="01000201"/> etc depending on what abilities you chosen earlier.

For getting map's code or any resources you can use this tools:

  1. StarCraft 2 Map Browser to locate cache file, if you dont want to look for it manually
  2. MPQ Editor for unpacking/packing SC2 maps/mods cache There are a lot of same progams, but for begining these two are enough.

PS: Map was updated at https://darthvan.github.io/StarCraft2-Bank-Restorer/

Apraxiasnull commented 2 days ago

when adding the values into the generator. there's an issue with leading zeros in the string for ascension. trying to add a leading zero either puts it at the end of the value or removes a value from the string. example zealot with the ascension code of 01110000. also manual editing through the editor itself causes a bank reset ingame every time, so manually adjusting the values there doesnt work for this either.

Apraxiasnull commented 2 days ago

resigning with the generator removes all challenges after manually adding the asc code and levels to characters. this makes it so that you can only generate banks rn with challenges complete at the start but cant retain them if you decide to edit the bank in the future. idk if this is an intended setting or a bug. you can add the codes and levels with the simple editor but in order to sign the bank for use you have to import it into the main generator (liberty). which causes this interaction to occur.

DarthVan commented 2 days ago

when adding the values into the generator. there's an issue with leading zeros in the string for ascension. trying to add a leading zero either puts it at the end of the value or removes a value from the string. example zealot with the ascension code of 01110000. also manual editing through the editor itself causes a bank reset ingame every time, so manually adjusting the values there doesnt work for this either.

  1. Yep, i know about this issue, its because all fields in ZWL were numeric before, so if you type 00001111, it will be transformed to 1111. I will fix it later, but for now just use code '11111111' - this code enable all ascs.

  2. Ok, ill check this. I tried to enable/disable challenges, but they always store in my bank)

'manual editing through the editor' - if it means editing the bank as XML in Any Simple Map, you will get bank reset all the timie, cuz ZWL has it own anticheat checksums. dont use Any Simple or any other editors (notepad and etc) for ZWL