DarthVan / StarCraft2-Bank-Restorer

Demo version of simple StarCraft 2 custom maps bank editor
13 stars 2 forks source link

Requests #4

Open Giblejimmy opened 6 months ago

Giblejimmy commented 6 months ago

Exodus 3 if you get the chance

DarthVan commented 6 months ago

lol, this is for issues) I'll look that after Fortress 3

Giblejimmy commented 5 months ago

Sorry for putting it in the wrong spot, any chance you have an ETA. On Sep 30, 2023 you said you were going to work on Transpace but that was obviously four months ago. Exodus three has like maybe 8 variables so once the encryption is cracked it should be exceptionally smooth/fast to do compared to most of the maps you've done in the past.

Thanks by the way, sadly doesn't seem like you get told that much but your efforts are appreciated Van.

DarthVan commented 5 months ago

Ty :)

Yes, Fortress 3 is still in progress (it’s not difficult, but it’s a lot and I’m constantly pushing back the deadlines), but EndOfDreams was recently added, work on Exodus 3 is also underway.

Unfortunately, I have very little free time for this project, so I can’t make any predictions, stay tuned.

DarthVan commented 5 months ago

1 This cheat works, but update will come after 2-3 days

Giblejimmy commented 5 months ago

Hah told you it would probably be one of the easiest ones for you compared to the others. Excellent work friend, thank you very much for your time I look forward to testing it myself in a few days.

ponte-vecchio commented 5 months ago

Lottery Defence please!

DarthVan commented 5 months ago

Lottery Defence is an old map, and it was hacked by BlueRaja. Did you tried his StarBank ?

Dweinau commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, Starbank can’t do anything there, with my knowledge.

Lottery Defense — старая карта, взломанная BlueRaja. Вы пробовали его СтарБанк ?

DarthVan commented 4 months ago

Ok, added to queue.

UnionofSovietSocialistRepublics commented 3 months ago

If you can, try cracking crate tower defense too, the only thing that stopping people from using starbank is the second signature

Dweinau commented 3 months ago

Если можете, попробуйте взломать Crate Tower Defense, единственное, что мешает людям использовать Starbank, это вторая подпись.

Для нее можно использовать артмани.