Darthagnon / SymWinBinaries

Allows one to type special characters such as å or λ on Windows without the alt-key bullshit
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More default symbols #8

Open greywatcher opened 2 years ago

greywatcher commented 2 years ago

I think the default selection of symbols should be expanded. Here are my suggestions (for the standard US-keyboard). Notice that several symbols are found on more than one key and that the distinction with Shift only is on the letter keys. ` ~: –, —, ≈ 1 ! : ¹, ₁, ¡, ‽ 2 @: ², ₂, √, ʔ 3 #: ³, ₃, №, ■, ☐ 4 $: ⁴, ₄, £, ¥, €, ₿, ₩, ₹, ¢, ₥, ¤ 5 %: ⁵, ₅, ‰ 6 ^: ⁶, ₆, ∧, “, ‘ 7 &: ⁷, ₇, ∞ 8 *: ⁸, ₈, ★, ☆, ⁂, • 9 (: ⁹, ₉, ⟨, ”, ’ 0 ): ⁰, ₀, ∞, º, ⟩ - _ : −, –, —, ⁻, ₋, ␣ = +: ≠, ≈, ⇔ ±, ⁺, ₊ [ {: «, ‹, ⟨, ”, ‘ ] }: », ›, ⟩, ”, ’ \ |: ∣, ∤ ; :: …, ⋮, ⋯, ⋰, ⋱, ː ' ": ”, ’, ”, ‘, „, ‚ , <: «, ‹, ⟨, „, ‚ . >: », ›, ⟩, ·, … / ?: ÷, ⁄, ⁄, ¿, ‽, ⸮ For the letter keys, I have not included characters with diacritic marks, as they already are quite well covered. Q Unshifted: ℚ, θ, ϑ, ¶, Shifted: ℚ; Θ, ϴ, ¶ W Unshifted: ƿ, ω, ₩, Shifted: Ƿ, Ω, ₩ E Unshifted: ε, ϵ, ∃, ∄, €, ə, ⇔, Shifted: ε, ϵ, ∃, ∄, €, Ə, ⇔ R Unshifted: ℝ, ρ, ϱ, ®, ℞, √, ₹ Shifted: ℝ, ρ, ϱ, ®, ℞, √, ₹ T Unshifted: ŧ, þ, τ, θ, ϑ, ™, †, ‡, Shifted: Ŧ, Þ, τ, Θ, ϴ, ™, †, ‡ Y Unshifted: ψ, ¥, Shifted: Ψ, ¥ U Unshifted: ψ, ℧, ⋃, ⋂, ʊ Shifted: Ψ, ℧, ⋃, ⋂, ʊ I Unshifted: ⅈ, ι, ⇒, Shifted: ⅈ, ι, ⇒ O Unshifted: œ, ω, ℧, °, Shifted: Œ; Ω, ℧, ° P Unshifted: π, ψ, ∂, ℘, ¶, Shifted: Π, Ψ, ∂, ℘, ¶ A Unshifted: α, ℀, ℁, ɑ, Shifted: α; ℀, ℁, ɑ S Unshifted: ß, š, ſ, σ, ς, §, $, ℠, ʃ, Shifted: ß, Š, ſ, Σ, Σ, §, ℠, ʃ D Unshifted: ð, đ, δ, ∇, ∂, Shifted: Ð, Đ, Δ, ∇, ∂ F Unshifted: ƒ, φ, ϕ, ª, ♀, Shifted: Ƒ, Φ, ϕ, ª, ♀ G Unshifted: ŋ, γ, Shifted: Ŋ; Γ H Unshifted: ħ, η, Shifted: Ħ, η J Unshifted: ȷ, ι, Shifted: ȷ, ι K Unshifted: ᴋ, ϰ; Shifted: ᴋ, ϰ L Unshifted: ł, λ, ℓ, ⦜, £, Shifted: Ł, Λ, ℓ, ⦜, £ Z Unshifted: ʒ, ℤ, ζ, Shifted: Ʒ, ℤ, ζ X Unshifted: ξ, χ, ×, ✗, Shifted: Ξ, χ, ×, ✗ C Unshifted: ç, χ, ℂ, ©, ℅, ¢, Shifted, Ç, χ, ℂ, ©, ℅, ¢ V Unshifted: √, ✓, ʌ, Shifted: √, ✓, ʌ B Unshifted: β, •, ◦, ₿, Shifted: β; •, ◦, ₿ N Unshifted: ñ, ŋ, ℕ, №, –, ¬, ∇, ⚥, Shifted: Ñ, Ŋ, ℕ, №, –, ¬, ∇ ⚥, ɲ M Unshifted: μ, º, —, ₥, ♪, ♫, ♂, Shifted: μ, º, —, ₥, ♪, ♫, ♂ And extra for those with other layouts that has that extra key on the bottom left: <> ≤,≥, «, », ‹, ›, ←, ↑, →, ↓ And one more key should be included that is not in the present code. This is especially useful for those with smaller keyboards without the Numpad: Tab: ←, ↑, →, ↓, ⇒, ⇔