Darviridis / Reflections

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The world is one #10

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago

The world is one. Borders are just an illusion. We share the same destiny. We forgot. Forget that everything is interconnected. What happens in the distance concerns each of us. Everything we do or don't do has consequences.

We humans are divided by borders, languages and cultures, but we should remember that we live on the same planet. Often we forget about it and think that what happens in other countries does not concern us. However, in fact, all events and decisions made in one part of the world have an impact on other parts of our planet.

Global issues such as climate change, the spread of disease, economic crises or conflicts are not limited to borders.

Our world is becoming more and more globalized. Social media and communication technologies have shortened distances and created invisible connections between us.

Our future depends on us, on our decisions and actions today. Let's join forces to create a better world for ourselves, for our descendants and for all beings living on this beautiful planet Earth.