Darviridis / Reflections

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Technology and harmonic #11

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago

We have witnessed an increase in stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders and depression. Interestingly, all this is happening in an era when we are surrounded by material abundance and comfort.

We have technologies and services that can deliver everything we need right to our doorstep. However, despite this, our well-being does not eliminate our internal problems.

We are faced with feelings of insufficiency, loss of meaning, and deep spiritual frustration. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that we have become victims of our own desires and the constant need for more, better and faster.

Material things and opportunities have become our new opiate, which, instead of bringing happiness and satisfaction, only exacerbates our inner dissatisfaction.

We are lost in an ocean of redundancy and consumerism. Our culture encourages us to say, "I have more, therefore I am happier." But this is just an illusion that distracts us from the true values and meaning of life.

It is time to rethink our priorities and turn to domestic needs. We need to find spiritual harmony, return to what is really important and valuable to us. Knowing that happiness and fulfillment comes from within will help us overcome this existential crisis.