Darviridis / Reflections

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Choice of life path #12

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago


Travel, emotions, impressions, everything is wonderful. But I realized that I can't live without a purpose. Throughout my life, I've been trying to find answers to the questions "Who do I want to become?", "How do I find myself?", "What do I want to do most?"

I'm used to constantly learning, like in school, studying and not understanding why I'm doing it, just because I have to.

Now, as always, I ask myself the question: "What do I want?" What should I do to feel good? What brings me pleasure and satisfaction?

I have come to the conclusion that I enjoy the feeling of making a positive impact on people. I would like the problems that I cannot solve now to not arise for others.

I want more people to live a conscious life, reflect and understand processes, feel good, know who they are in this life, and be able to create and grow.

I want to find solutions to these problems for myself and try to help others like me. Almost everyone around me didn't know where they were going or why, what they wanted, or why they were doing what they did. They couldn't find answers and remained in the grayness of life, carrying their heavy burden and limiting their possibilities within the confines of their thinking.

I would like to delve into various aspects of human life. Especially in the areas of mental and physical health. To understand certain things for myself and share my experience with others because they don't have time to search and analyze information, but I do. And if I can write or do something that people can use and their lives become better because of it, that would be the best reward I could receive.