Darviridis / Reflections

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Mistakes #14

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago

From early childhood, we are taught that making mistakes is very bad. We get scolded for every misstep, and we start to fear making mistakes, anticipating punishment.

In school, we are also punished for any mistake, which makes us afraid of making errors in the learning process, making it less effective. The best way to learn something is to make mistakes and work on them. Analyze, find new solutions, and improve. But fear holds us back. We are so afraid of making mistakes that we don't even start something new.

An illusion is formed that one can live without making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone admits it to themselves and others. People are mistaken when they vigorously defend their misconceptions, believe in their infallibility, and think they never make mistakes. Our righteousness should not be more important than understanding the true state of things.

All people, even the most successful ones, make mistakes. But what sets them apart from others is their ability to turn mistakes into experiences. They extract value from challenging situations. Recognizing and working on mistakes is a path to self-improvement.

Darviridis commented 9 months ago

Having made a mistake, the loser does not analyze the situation, does not benefit from his mistake, becomes confused and withdraws into himself - instead of being happy that he has learned something new; he tries to explain why he was wrong instead of moving on.

Darviridis commented 9 months ago

A person who has made many and frequent mistakes - but never made the same mistake twice - is more reliable than someone who has never made a mistake.