Darviridis / Reflections

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Constructive debate #23

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago

I used to think that arguing was not a good thing. In childhood, I couldn't argue with my parents, and in school, I couldn't argue with teachers. If we tried to explain and justify our point of view, we would be scolded.

Debates and conflicts seem the same to us, but they are actually different things. People don't know how to argue, so everything turns into a conflict and insults.

If I saw that someone was wrong, I didn't want to argue with them. I thought it was pointless to prove something to a foolish person.

I used to think like this: "Let everyone stick to their own opinion, I won't argue because everyone has the right to their own existence." But now I consider such a position to be mistaken. No matter how much we want, the rules of the game are the same for everyone.

There are objectively effective strategies and approaches to thinking in the world, as well as ineffective ones. You can always ask yourself, "If everyone thought this way, would the world be better?"

In constructive debate, truth is born. Debate is a form of discussion where everyone adheres to certain rules, and it does not turn into personal enmity. You and your opponent may have different positions, but that doesn't make you enemies.

Now I don't like people who avoid debates and simply say, "Everyone will stick to their own opinion." I respect people who can argue their position.

The benefits of arguing lie in the fact that they allow us to hone our skills of explanation, the ability to prove our position, and clearly articulate our arguments. It also contributes to the development of the world because the more people have the right position, the better the world becomes overall.