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Psychedelics #28

Open Darviridis opened 11 months ago

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I used to treat psychedelics the same way I treated other drugs. But now I believe that psychedelics can help people cope with mental disorders. They may be the next step in the development of psychiatry.


When compounds bind to serotonin 5-HT2A receptors,they modulate the activity of key circuits in the brain involved with sensory perception and cognition. However, the exact nature of how psychedelics induce changes in perception and cognition via the 5-HT2A receptor is still unknown, although reduction in default mode network activity and increased functional connectivity between regions in the brain as a result may be one of the most relevant pharmacological mechanisms underpinning the psychedelic experience, particularly ego death

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I saw serial "How to change your mind". It opened my eyes to psychedelic research. It consists of four episodes, each of which tells about one of the psychedelics: LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, Mescaline.






In 1957, the American banker and amateur ethnomycologist R. Gordon Wasson and his wife, Valentina P. Wasson, a physician, studied the ritual use of psychoactive mushrooms by indigenous people in Mexico. And Maria Sabina revealed to them the secret of using psilocybin mushrooms. After writing the publication of an article about psilocybin mushrooms, many people began to come to Maria Sabina. As the community was besieged by Westerners wanting to experience the mushroom-induced hallucinations, Sabina attracted attention from the Mexican police who believed her to be a drug dealer. The community blamed Sabina; consequently she was ostracized, her house was burned down, her son was murdered, and she was briefly jailed. Sabina later regretted having introduced Wasson to the practice.


Psilocybin decriminalization in the United States



MDMA was first developed in 1912 by Merck. It was used to enhance psychotherapy beginning in the 1970s. But everything changed when he got into industrial production. MDMA is commonly associated with dance parties, raves, and electronic dance music.




Peyote has been used for at least 5,700 years by Indigenous peoples of the Americas in Mexico. Europeans noted use of peyote in Native American religious ceremonies upon early contact, notably by the Huichols in Mexico. Other mescaline-containing cacti such as the San Pedro have a long history of use in South America, from Peru to Ecuador.

Aldous Huxley described his experience with mescaline in the essay The Doors of Perception (1954).

Mescaline is legal only for certain religious groups (such as the Native American Church by the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978)

Synthetic mescaline, but not mescaline derived from cacti, was officially decriminalized in the state of Colorado by ballot measure Proposition 122 in November 2022.

Native Americans are against the decriminalization of nature because they are allowed to use peyote and they are worried that everyone will have access to it and they will not have enough of it for ritual purposes: https://chacruna.net/decriminalize_nature_drug_reform_settler_colonialism/

Mescaline has a wide array of suggested medical usage, including treatment of alcoholism and depression.

Interesting facts

Many psychedelics were banned from consumption and research in the 1970s. Due to the fact that many people of pop culture of those times used them incorrectly and this greatly influenced the behavior in society.

The action of psychedelics is to turn off the filters that filter out signals that the normal (habitual) state of consciousness considers unnecessary.

People who use psychedelics get a new spiritual experience. They experience "ego death" and begin to feel part of this world.

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

Decriminalisation nature an organization whose mission is to improve human health and well-being by decriminalizing and expanding access to entheogenic plants and fungi through political and community organizing, education, and advocacy.

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

Cure for color blindness when used Psilocybin:


Darviridis commented 11 months ago

Glad to have good news, maybe soon it will become normal all over the world. Australia to prescribe MDMA and psilocybin for PTSD and depression in world first: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02093-8

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I believe that now it can be quite profitable investing in Psychedelic Stocks: https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/market-sectors/healthcare/psychedelic-stocks/

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

Happy with new rationale for the positive use of psilocybin. Psilocybin therapy for females with anorexia nervosa: a phase 1, open-label feasibility study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02455-9

Darviridis commented 9 months ago

Health-related quality of life has improved in patients accessing medicinal cannabis in Australia. Scientists observed clinically meaningful improvements in overall HRQL and fatigue over the first 3-months in patients with chronic health https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0290549

Darviridis commented 9 months ago



Darviridis commented 9 months ago
