Darviridis / Reflections

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Society #44

Open Darviridis opened 11 months ago

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I learned that in Russia there are people who call themselves "sectarians". Formally, they should be engaged in preventing the emergence of various dangerous sects. But they don't really do that. The most influential is Silantiev, who has the power and support of the state. He came up with his pseudoscience Destructology "designed to provide serious counteraction to threats to Russia's national security", from "destructive neoplasms". The examination of the employees of the Laboratory of Destructology of MSLU on theatrical business is known, including on the basis of which the author of the play Finist the Bright Falcon was arrested. Destructology is taught in universities and is considered quite a good discipline. The second hero is Dvorkin, a sectarian who fights against any religious formations that do not consider Christian Orthodoxy to be the dominant idea.

Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I learned about a new pseudoscience that many people actively believe in - human design. You may think that this is a branch of genetics, but no, it is a system that gives you a detailed plan of how your energy works, how unique you are, what your gifts and life purpose are. Human Design combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah and Vedic philosophy, centering around the division of personalities into five energy types. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Design


Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I found out about a very strange conspiracy theory – Golden billion. The most popular conspiracy theory in Russia. Theory is a conspiracy theory that a cabal of global elites are pulling strings to amass wealth for the world's richest billion people at the expense of the rest of humanity. During Russia's 2022 war with Ukraine, the concept was used by leading Russian politicians to justify Russian policy and accuse the West of elitist colonialism.


Darviridis commented 11 months ago

I decided to study the history of Romania. I learned that there was President Ceausescu, who led a dictatorial policy with his wife. The people of Romania were poor and starving when Ceausescu built his "People's Palace", the second largest government building after the Pentagon. But the people could no longer tolerate such an attitude, and in 1989 Ceausescu and his wife were shot.


Darviridis commented 10 months ago

The most fallen currencies in the world: -Lebanese pound +896% -Zimbabwe dollar +886% -Venezuelan bolivar +427% -Syrian pound +418% -Argentine peso +114% -Angolan kwanza +98% -Russian ruble +63% -Suriname dollar +57% -Turkish Lira +51% -Pakistani Rupee +31% -Laos kip +27%

Darviridis commented 10 months ago

After moving to Paraguay, I wanted to know a little about its history. I learned that Paraguay declared war on Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay in 1864. Obviously Paraguay lose the war. 90% of the male population died

Darviridis commented 10 months ago

This world is so unfair. Why people who place reveal the secrets of the great crimes of states are condemned. Why are people like Julian Assange in prison, and Snowden forced to leave for the Russia. Why is it so dangerous in our world to do anything useful to society?



Darviridis commented 10 months ago

Why is alcohol allowed in our world, from which 3 million people die every year, and cannabis is banned from which not a single death has been recorded?

Darviridis commented 10 months ago

I found the ideal religion for myself - Pastafarianism, that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design in schools. The "Flying Spaghetti Monster" was first described in a satirical open letter written by Bobby Henderson in 2005 to protest the Kansas State Board of Education decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public school science classes. The central belief is that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. Pirates are revered as the original Pastafarians. Henderson asserts that a decline in the number of pirates over the years is the cause of global warming.


Darviridis commented 10 months ago

Meanwhile in Russia: Moscow's Basmanny District Court found Max Katz guilty, handing him an eight-year prison sentence. Katz was found guilty of disseminating knowingly false information about the Russian army

Darviridis commented 10 months ago

The “Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign,” dedicated to gathering support against the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States, is launching a virtual political rally in the metaverse.

Assange has been confined within Belmarsh Prison in London since April 2019, fighting a court battle against his extradition to the U.S., where he could potentially face up to 175 years.

The virtual event will be held on Aug. 26 in Wistaverse, a not-for-profit metaverse in The Sandbox ecosystem on the Polygon blockchain.