Darviridis / Reflections

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Choice of reaction #5

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago

It is up to us what concerns us. We made this choice consciously or not. What worries us depends on our attitude to different things. And we can consciously choose our attitude towards something. Only we choose our reaction to various events.

Other people are not to blame for the fact that you are sad, bad, offended. It was you who chose such a model of behavior and such a reaction. It is customary for us to say: "He offended me," and not "I was offended by him." As if other people control our lives and decide when we should be offended, rejoice, be sad. This is not so, this is our choice, but we make it unconsciously. We rely on emotions and do not even try to understand why we feel something. You can not drown out emotions or forbid yourself to show them. In order to no longer experience certain emotions, it is necessary to change the attitude, rethink and change.

Have you ever had an event that upset you, but in the long run it had a big positive impact? I have yes. Therefore, when I experience a negative reaction to something, every time I think about whether I really react to it correctly. Of course, I'm still not perfect at choosing and controlling my reactions. But I know that only I am responsible for my life. Regardless of the circumstances.