Darviridis / Reflections

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Critical thinking #7

Open Darviridis opened 1 year ago

Darviridis commented 1 year ago

I believe that the ability to think critically is one of the most important skills for a person. Everything has to be questioned and thought about. Even you own opinions. It is dangerous to think that you are smarter than everyone on the planet and not listen to any reasonable arguments against your position. The point is not to be right as long as possible, but to be efficient. A person who thinks he knows everything is stupid because he will never be able to learn something new and develop. It is very important for us to constantly change and improve, and only with the help of critical thinking can we achieve this result.When we learn something new, we don't go from "wrong" to "right". We go from wrong to somewhat less wrong.

Have you ever thought about the fact that we have a predisposed attitude towards everything?

It's simply impossible to think through everything all the time. If we were to contemplate every action and reaction, we wouldn't have time to do anything else. Most of the time, we automatically respond without thinking anew each time. The fast-paced nature of modern life often prevents us from making fully conscious decisions, even on many important matters. The tendency towards simplified thinking is useful, but it often leads to mistakes.

We often have to rely on stereotypes to classify things and then react without much thought when we encounter certain characteristics.

How many of your judgments in your mind are truly yours?

If we reflect, we already have opinions on every issue, which are most likely not formed by us but have been ingrained in our minds from external sources, from the society we live in. And if there is no critical necessity, we won't sit down and reconsider how we think.

With a set of opinions, we always search for information that confirms what we already believe. Finding it reassures us and reinforces our convictions. We often don't even consider opposing viewpoints because they create dissonance, as they differ too much, and we can't absorb that information.

To develop the ability to critically evaluate our thoughts and have a healthy attitude towards different points of view, it is necessary to seek out information that contradicts our opinions and try to understand it. Find people who hold different beliefs and try to understand their perspectives. Ask ourselves, "Why do I think this way?" And not attach ourselves to our judgments, not be afraid to change our opinions or attitudes if there is a more logical and correct perspective.