Closed SomeTimesIInvent closed 1 year ago
@SonOfMosiah can add a new script for this?
Here is the full list of addresses and what they should be applied to:
Tradeability (can trade during pre sale when all others cannot): Pre-Sale Contract / Deployer / Wallet 1 / Kieran / DarwinDrop
200 Million Holding Limit: Pair Address / DEXs / CEXs / Deployer / Wallet 1 / Wallet 2 / Charity / Giveaways / Bounties / Community Fund / DarwinDrop
10 Million Trade Limit: Pair Address / DEXs / CEXs / Deployer / Wallet 1 / Wallet 2 / Charity / Giveaways / Bounties / Community Fund / DarwinDrop
Note: the following wallets cannot receive reflections: Pair Address / Deployer / Pre-Sale Contract / DarwinDrop / Charity / Giveaways / Bounties / Community Fund / Burn Address / DEXs / CEXs
The actual addresses we have can be found here (in the Wallet tab)
Daniel , can u take care of this real quick.
this will be 1 file witch contains all the wallet and will be included by the script that takes action.
I was thinking maybe we want to change the setter function to accept an array, since most of this maintanence will be done my the DAO over the long run.
@thesios Is this what you were looking to change in the setter function?
function initialize( address uniswapV2RouterAddress, address _devWallet, address _darwinCommunity, address[] memory whiteListedAddresses ) external initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __Ownable_init_unchained(); __darwin_init_unchained(uniswapV2RouterAddress, _devWallet, _darwinCommunity, whiteListedAddresses); __UUPSUpgradeable_init(); }
`function __darwin_init_unchained( address uniswapV2RouterAddress, address _devWallet, address _darwinCommunity, address[] memory whiteListedAddresses ) private onlyInitializing { _tTotal = 10 * 10 * 9 10 ** decimals(); // 10B // TODO: check this _rTotal = (_MAX - (_MAX % _tTotal));
maxTokenHoldingSize = (_tTotal / 100) * 2; // 2% of the supply
maxTokenSellSize = _tTotal / 100 / 10; // .1% of the supply
communityTokensPercentage = 5 * _PERCENTAGE_MULTIPLIER; // 5%
maxTokenSaleLimitDuration = 5 hours;
// transfer tokens to owner
_rOwned[_devWallet] = (_rTotal / _PERCENTAGE_100) * DEV_WALLET_PECENTAGE;
_rOwned[_msgSender()] = _rTotal - _rOwned[_devWallet];
uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(uniswapV2RouterAddress);
reflectionWallet = _getPseudoRandomWallet(block.timestamp / 2);
// Create a uniswap pair for this new token
uniswapV2Pair = IUniswapV2Pair(
IUniswapV2Factory(uniswapV2Router.factory()).createPair(address(this), uniswapV2Router.WETH())
// add exchange wallets
registerPair(uniswapV2RouterAddress, address(uniswapV2Pair));
// exclude wallets from sell limit
_isExcludedFromSellLimit[_msgSender()] = true;
_isExcludedFromSellLimit[_devWallet] = true;
_isExcludedFromSellLimit[_darwinCommunity] = true;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < whiteListedAddresses.length; i++) {
_isExcludedFromSellLimit[whiteListedAddresses[i]] = true;
// exclude wallets from holding limit
_isExcludedFromHoldingLimit[_msgSender()] = true;
_isExcludedFromHoldingLimit[_devWallet] = true;
_isExcludedFromHoldingLimit[_darwinCommunity] = true;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < whiteListedAddresses.length; i++) {
_isExcludedFromHoldingLimit[whiteListedAddresses[i]] = true;
darwinCommunity = IDarwinCommunity(_darwinCommunity);
emit Transfer(address(0), _msgSender(), (_tTotal * DEV_WALLET_PECENTAGE) / _PERCENTAGE_100);
emit Transfer(address(0), _devWallet, _tTotal - (_tTotal * DEV_WALLET_PECENTAGE) / _PERCENTAGE_100);
And then maybe add an onlyowner modified function that can add to the list of white listed addresses?
That is A solution
But we can use a jscript and run it thru hardhat to set all the addresses
so we will have to call the setter function for each wallet.
What do u think?
So still create the setter function or just run the init function with the script with all the addresses?
Im more of a truffle guy so i’d have much more trouble making a script with hardhat rather than just using a setter, but i do realize its probably better
call me , 4072225300
async function main() { const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners(); console.log("Deployer address", deployer.address);
const contractAddress = "0x2Ece44b8066bCDD0ac5190bF8508D71A216Cf2Fd";
const myContract = await ethers.getContractAt("secs", contractAddress);
const mintToken = await myContract.airdrop("0x513764CD6DAcFD7d8dec3f6a3b5Aaa1747374abF",5000000000000);
console.log("Trx hash:", mintToken);
main() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });
// We require the Hardhat Runtime Environment explicitly here. This is optional // but useful for running the script in a standalone fashion through
node Githubissues.
The following wallets are whitelisted:
These are additional whitelists we will want to do if they aren't already included:
Wallet 1 (0x0bF1C4139A6168988Fe0d1384296e6df44B27aFd) - whitelisted from everything + can trade tokens before launch Wallet 2 (0xBE013CeAB3611Dc71A4f150577375f8Cb8d9f6c3) - whitelisted from everything
Charity (0xf74Fb0505f868961f8da7e423d5c8A1CC5c2C162) - whitelisted from everything except will not receive reflections Giveaways (0x33149c1CB70262E29bF7adde4aA79F41a2fd0c39) - whitelisted from everything except will not receive reflections Bounties (0xD8F251F13eaf05C7D080F917560eB884FEd4227b) - whitelisted from everything except will not receive reflections Community Fund - whitelisted from everything except will not receive reflections
Reflections (if we use a wallet for this) - whitelisted from everything except will be TAXED at 100% once reflections are received
Kieran (0xe4e672ED86b8f6782e889F125e977bcF54018232) - can trade tokens before launch DarwinDrop - can trade tokens before launch