Open DarwinNE opened 9 years ago
I got some errors creating the javadocs
make createdoc 1> /dev/null 2> createdoc.txt
The first relevant error
src/net/sourceforge/fidocadj/macropicker/model/ error: bad use of '>'
If not, see <>.
I solved it, substituting
see <>
@see <a href=""></a>
The complete error log file cretedoc.txt.
There are other problems related with the* packages.
Hi @DanteCpp thank you, great work!
Have you already changed all links to in all source files? If yes, thanks! It must have been a tedious work. Can you please open a pull request, so that it can be included in the project? Before doing that, check that the tags do not make sort that the line becomes longer than 80 characters (you may run a ./checkstyle script to see if there are issues). I think that there may be some similar issues in the Android code, if you have time, can you please have a look at that?
Concerning the missing references to the* packages, that is quite normal, if you ran the script on Linux. Apple-specific code is contained only in and this class is dynamically loaded by the startup code of FidoCadJ only if it is running on a MacOSX. Since there is no direct instantiation of an object of this class in the code, it is not needed for the compilation. Yet, you have to compile it explicitly if you need it. Have a look at the compile script:
where the relevant bit is here:
if [ "$unamestr" = 'Darwin' ]||[ "$1" = "mac" ]; then
echo "MacOSX detected: activated AppleSpecific classes."
javac -g -Xlint:unchecked -O -sourcepath src -classpath bin -source 1.7 -target 1.7 ./src/net/sourceforge/fidocadj/ -d bin
echo "Copying Quaqua library files in jar/ directory."
cp OSes/mac/Quaqua/*.* jar
Probably, the createdoc script should do something similar: do not include the class unless it is run on MacOSX.
Feel free to try to modify the createdoc script, if you want to try.
Cheers, D.
The quality of the Javadoc comments in the source code may be improved by checking the grammar, the completeness and by suggesting if there are obscure points. The links provided should be improved and validated, as well as the global stylistic coherence and so on.