DarwinNE / FidoCadJ

FidoCadJ is a free user-friendly vector graphic editor for MacOSX, Linux, Windows and Android with a library of electronic symbols.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Independent distro installer script #72

Closed DanteCpp closed 8 years ago

DanteCpp commented 8 years ago

When i run the script I get

dante@dante-laptop:~/Documenti/varie$ sudo ./fidocadj_installer.sh --install

   Welcome to the fidocadj_installer script

   Cannot reach the SourceForge server!


it is because the installer still tests the sourgeforce server

## connection availability test
ping -c1 download.sourceforge.net > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 -a $1 != "--uninstall" ]
    echo " "
    echo "   Cannot reach the SourceForge server!"
    echo "Abort... "
    echo " "
    exit 3

without this test, the script would try to download the fidocadj.jar file by the following command

 wget -q -O /usr/share/java/fidocadj/temp.jar http://download.sourceforge.net/fidocadj/files/fidocadj.jar

I will fix that, but i need the new fidocadj.jar download link.

Cheers Dante.

DarwinNE commented 8 years ago

Hi, that is an interesting problem. Binaries on GitHub are distributed with the "Releases":


This means that the fidocadj.jar file related to the last stable version (0.24.5 while I am writing) is there:


When the stable "0.24.6" version will be released, the link will be something as follows:


So, the link will change at each version of the software. The script should see which releases are present on GitHub and install the most recent one. Alternatively, it should let the user choose which version he/she wants to install.

Cheers, D.

DanteCpp commented 8 years ago

Hi Davide,

I see at least three ways:

The installer includes the --restore [version] option:

dante@dante-laptop:~/Documenti/varie$ ./fidocadj_installer.sh --help
    fidocadj_installer.sh --install            installs FidoCadJ
    fidocadj_installer.sh --uninstall          uninstalls FidoCadJ
    fidocadj_installer.sh --update             updates your FidoCadJ jar file
    fidocadj_installer.sh --restore [VERSION]    restore your FidoCadJ jar file to an old version

I prefer the second way, but for make it more simple i would include a given file that contains the current stable version and other important info. So the installer script can query directly this file.

I hope I've been clear.

Cheers, Dante.

DarwinNE commented 8 years ago

Hi, the second solution is preferable. Having a file containing information about the most recent stable version seems potentially troublesome to me, since it requires to change it each time a new version comes out. This is quite error prone in my opinion, since the release of a new version is already a complex process. So, here is what I propose: 1 - let the user choose which version he wants to install 2 - GitHub has a powerful API system. There may probable be a way to retrieve the list of all the available releases. 3 - The installer chooses the most recent release, flagged as "stable".

Those three points should be of a growing complexity and each level is self-sufficient (i.e. one can implement 1. without 2. and 3.) What do you think about it, Dante?



P.S. here we have another great Linux expert participating to FidoCadJ: @Stemby I would like to know what he thinks about that solution. Is that an interesting and useful solution?

Stemby commented 8 years ago

Hi, actually I'm not interested in this kind of scripts (I won't use it), so I can't help you, sorry.

Currently I compile by hand from source; in future I hope to use an official package taken from the official repositories of my distribution and installed via the standard tools provided by the distro.

In any case I agree, the second way seems to be the best one; this URL could be a good start:



DarwinNE commented 8 years ago

Hi @Stemby this URL is exactly what it should be used! Even for the website, I may be asking to @MigthyThor what he thinks about using it even for the download page, instead of specifying which version has to be downloaded, and to pack the version number shown in the text on a variable, easy to change somewhere. I am really trying to see if the release operation of a new version can be made as simple as possible! Cheers, D.

DarwinNE commented 8 years ago

Hi @DanteCpp, were you able to include the link given by @Stemby in the script?

Cheers, D.

DanteCpp commented 8 years ago

Solved by implementation of the make automated build system.

How to install FidoCadJ on Linux

In the following instruction, you have to substitute X.XX.X with the wanted FidoCadJ version.

DarwinNE commented 8 years ago

I agree with @DanteCpp, the new procedure is standard for Linux systems and is clearly a better solution.

@DanteCpp proposed the new scripts in this pull request: #106