DarwinsBuddy / WienerNetzeSmartmeter

A home-assistant integration supporting WienerNetze Smartmeters as sensors
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Import 15 Minute Data #168

Closed GeraldPape closed 1 year ago

GeraldPape commented 1 year ago

Data is provided on the next day. So daily import of yesterdays 15 minute consumption data would be a nice feature.

luchmhor commented 1 year ago

This would be awesome. Looking forward :)

weilix65 commented 1 year ago

Would be a great improvement :-)

reox commented 1 year ago

15min data is unfortunately impossible with the current HA API. Hourly data is the minimal timelength you can get... See also #9

JinKanzaki commented 1 year ago

I've made a terribly written python script that converts the export csv-file of the 15 minute data into the appropriate formatting for import into influxdb in case you use that. The script should also work for hourly data etc, but I'm too lazy to check.

Just name the export file "input.csv", run the script and import the output.csv into influxdb (Explore -> Write data with s precision) I should point out that since the script is crap it won't work if your export contains empty data (i.e. timestamps without energy data)


reox commented 1 year ago

@JinKanzaki that is also a neat idea! It basically circumvents all the limitations of HA.

luchmhor commented 1 year ago

Wow, it would be awesome to see 15min (or 1h) values in HA.

reox commented 1 year ago

@luchmhor 1h is already working. with the builtin tools of HA 15min is currently not possible. If you need a high resolution, you should use the infrared dataport on the smartmeter itself.

luchmhor commented 1 year ago

@reox Ah, didn't know that. But how can iI configure the HA device to display 1h values? I only see the daily value.

reox commented 1 year ago

See the FAQ: https://github.com/DarwinsBuddy/WienerNetzeSmartmeter/discussions/19